Meet the Sergeants

Lea Lingg
Head Consulting & Partner

Expert in
Business Communication
Brand Strategy
People & Culture
with Lea

Watch out, don’t blink now! If you don’t pay attention, you can easily miss the whirlwind called Lea. She doesn't stand still. And how could she, when she’s always supposed to be in five places at once? She grew up in Aarau, but from there she’s commuted to… everywhere, basically. After a short detour into the event industry (finally a world that can keep up with her speed!), she quickly found her way to Sergeant. Here, she drives projects forward swiftly and efficiently. And when she’s not running around at work, she finds other ways to keep moving. Today she likes climbing up steep rock faces or shooting down ski slopes, but she has also been a synchronized swimmer, a thai boxer, a training instructor and a Zumba teacher before. Got everything? Ok, you can blink now.

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